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Wednesday, Sept.7, 7-8:30 pm (at a private home in Santa Cruz)

Join with Reb Eli and writer/lover of Torah Deborah Allen as we create a context for daily study and reflection during Elul, the month leading up to the High Holy Days.

Using the work of Alan Lew, Rachel Barenblat, and others, our evening will focus on creating personal daily practices to navigate this powerful time, a time where… "this is real, and you are totally unprepared." RSVP by Sept. 1 to:

"The Great Journey of transformation begins with the acknowledgment that we nee to make it. It is not something we are undertaking for amusement, nor even for the sake of conviction; rather, it is a spiritual necessity." Alan Lew

For more information about Chadeish Yameinu, please visit our Facebook page or our website at:

Sunday, September 18th, 2:30 – 5:00 pm

Old songs are more than tunes - they are little houses in which our hearts once lived. Within your unconscious sleeps a library of wisdom, memory, and feeling cataloged in the words of songs. From lullabies to songs of love and longing, you have an inner language you may be unaware of. Even if you think you don't know any songs or have forgotten them all, your subconscious has been storing them and their meanings since birth. To be held at a private home in Santa Cruz

$50 per person ($40 for members of CY) RSVP by September 12th to

The power of Singing from the Heart is in experiencing a new connection to yourself and to others. Come alone or bring someone important to you - friend, lover, parent, someone with whom you1d like to communicate in a different way. If you wish, bring photographs of significant people in your life, past or present.

* If the idea of getting up and singing in front of other people terrifies you, this workshop is for you. * If you love to sing in front of other people and want to stretch yourself further, this workshop is for you. * If you have trouble listening to your own voice, this workshop is for you. If you've been too shy to try, this is your chance.

Nancy Lunney Wheeler, MA, served for over 30 years as Director of Programs at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, where she organized some 15,000 courses taught by over 5000 teachers. She continues to serve Esalen as Senior Advisor, and is a longtime member of its Board of Trustees.

With a background in musical theatre in New York and Los Angeles, she coached a number of well-known stage and film personalities, specializing in helping non-singers prepare for singing roles. Out of this work, influenced by many years of Gestalt training, she developed her popular course at Esalen, Singing Gestalt, where she likewise specializes in working with people, musically inclined or not, using song & text as a way to express emotion and explore relationship.

She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California, where she resides in Santa Cruz..

September 30th 6:30pm at the home of Marigold Fine and Jim Sanford. Potluck with ready to eat food. (oven warming available). They are not vegetarians but it is fine either way. They will provide wine, Challah and juice. 8-12 adults without small children. Accessibility: One step up to the porch, step up to the house and step down to the living room. No pets.

Please RSVP to Leah for directions and location details.

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