Chadeish Yameinu
Jewish Renewal of Santa Cruz
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Our location at the Center for Spiritual Living is Closed. As of now, Friday Services are at the SC Zen Center and Saturday services are at Temple Beth El. Check our calendar for locations for various events
Links to Shabbat Siddurim: Erev Shabbat Shabbat Morning
Welcome to Chadeish Yameinu
We support the ongoing process of renewing Judaism and bringing its spiritual and ethical vitality into our lives. We draw on Kabbalistic and Chassidic sources, and embrace a global vision of the role of all peoples and paths.
All of our worship services are free and open to anyone. We invite you to come to a Shabbat or other event and become acquainted with our community.

About Chadeish Yameinu
Our Shabbat and Holiday services are led by Rabbi Eli Cohen and our lay leaders. Reb Eli received smicha (rabbinic ordination) from the ALEPH--Alliance for Jewish Renewal smicha program and has been a community leader and teacher in Santa Cruz for many years.
Wednesday night is our Adult Education night, with classes taught by Reb Eli and occasional guest teachers. Our class topics include Ethics, Monthly holidays/rituals, Judaism 101 (with an emphasis on spirituality), Kabbalah and Meditation.
We remain committed to the grassroots and egalitarian nature of our chavurah and want our lay leadership to continue and expand. We are also forming action groups in areas such as Shabbat and holiday services, adult education, children’s programming, social action, lifecycle rituals, welcoming and fundraising. They are open to anyone who wants to participate in shaping Chadeish Yameinu’s future.
Chadeish Yameinu:
Provides opportunities for meaningful Jewish spiritual experiences.
Is a community where people feel valued and encouraged.
Provides support to those who are part of the Chadeish Yameinu community.
Creates an environment for the creation of life cycle events and rituals.
Encourages participation and leadership and facilitates learning and transformation.
Maintains community through having families with children and a flow of new members.
Welcomes children and people of all ages and sexual orientations.
Puts tikkun olam [healing the world] into practice.