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Chadeish Yameinu
Jewish Renewal of Santa Cruz
Links to Shabbat Siddurim: Erev Shabbat Shabbat Morning
Why Become a Member of Chadeish Yameinu
It’s like being a citizen of the community, rather than a visitor.
Being a member of CY means you:
Support the ongoing existence of a vibrant, spiritual community that is available for everyone to plug into in his or her own way.
Make it possible to have our rabbi by helping raise the funds (through your dues) to pay him.
Are eligible to enroll your children in our school, bar/bat mitzvah program and youth group.
Have access to rabbinical advice and counseling.
Get free or lower admission to events.
Get our weekly newsletter, the Aleph Branch.
Have access to posting emails to the community listserv instead of read-only status.
Automatically become a member of ALEPH, the Alliance for Jewish Renewal.
Can participate in decision-making, join a committee or the Board of Directors.
Pay lower fees for lifecycle events.
Have access to our rabbi for mentoring in spiritual leadership skills and building your Jewish knowledge.
Help us provide free regular Shabbat services and free drop-in adult education classes.
Keep Jewish renewal alive in Santa Cruz for ourselves and our children.
Watch a wonderful Youtube Video about the Chadeish Yameinu Community.
Interested? To become a member of CY, please click on the Google Doc membership form and fill out electronically. Please don't forget to click on "submit" to complete the process. This form contains information about Chadeish Yameinu, and how to become a member. If you have a question or need to speak to someone about this form, please contact us at: (831) 295-8467.
Chadeish Yameinu, PO Box 3578, Santa Cruz CA 95063-3578