SHABBAT with Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal

NEW TIME & PLACE at the Veterans Memorial Building, 846 Front Street in downtown Santa Cruz (2nd Floor) (next door to main Santa Cruz Post Office) Friday, September 2 & September 9: Kabbalat Shabbat Evening service, 7:30 pm An oneg (refreshments) follows at 8:45 pm. You are invited to bring something to share.
Saturday, September 10: Shabbat Morning service, 10:00 am Torah service begins approximately 11:00 am A potluck lunch (vegetarian) follows at 12:15 pm You are invited to come at any time. NOTE: Parking is readily available one block away at the public lot at River & Front Streets. (If you follow the traditional practice of not handling money on Shabbat, please contact Rabbi Eli at for alternatives.)