Celebrate Shavuot with Creative Evening Study of the Book of Ruth

Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal & Temple Beth El come together to
Celebrate Shavuot with Creative Evening Study of the Book of Ruth
Saturday night, June 11th 7:30 pm, at Temple Beth El, 3055 Porter Gulch Road, Aptos
The holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah is also the occasion of the annual reading of the Book of Ruth. The story is the first recorded conversion to Judaism in history. It echoes the Shavuot theme of choosing Judaism.
The Book of Ruth is a surprisingly modern and relevant book.
Packed into four brief chapters, are: issues of intermarriage, illicit sex, complex interpersonal relationships, sexual politics, poverty and social justice, the value of loyalty, the roots of Jewish messianism and the workings of God in human lives.
Schedule for the Evening
Graze on cheese blintzes, cheese cake, fruit, vegetables, sweets and enjoy a Sunset Havdallah to bring the Shabbat to a close and to welcome Shavuot (You are also welcome to hone your vegan cheesecake recipe and bring your sweet additions.
Interactive study with Rabbi Rick, Rabbi Paula, Rabbi Eli and Rabbi Lori, with a break in the middle for eating and shmoozing.
10:00-past midnight
for those who want to stay later and participate in the tradition of Tikkun Leil Shavuot, of studying through the night Congregational members will teach on various interesting Jewish spiritual and ethical topics
Shavuot starts Saturday night this year, so you don't have to get up the next morning. Come for any part you want to come to, and enjoy the food, the sense of community, and the learning.