Conversation on Being Mortal

Tuesday, March 8, 7 pm, Temple Beth El
Conversation on Being Mortal with Rabbi Paula Marcus, Rabbi Eli Cohen and Holly Blue Hawkins for TBE and Chadeish Yameinu members. During this year we are hosting a series of gatherings to learn about ways we can approach talking about death and putting plans in place that reflect our values and desires for how we hope to live and die. Our third session will be on Tuesday evening, March 8 at 7:00 pm at Temple Beth El. Please join us even if you were unable to attend the previous sessions. Our upcoming evening will focus on Jewish practices surrounding death and bereavement. Judaism blesses us with a rich array of ways to support each other in these challenging moments. We will share the Jewish journey that begins with the dying person's last prayer and continues through the ongoing rituals of remembrance, both personal and communal. We know that these conversations aren't easy, but there is good news. We live in a time when tools and organizations exist to help us navigate the challenging terrain of death, bereavement and memorial observances. (Please note... Maimonides Circle is invited to attend this Conversation, in lieu of a separate meeting this month).