Next Friday, January 6th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm At the Veterans Memorial Building, 846 Front Street in Santa Cruz (next door the the main Post Office) For children of all ages and their families! with Art Projects and Playful Hebrew focusing on ROSH CHODESH (NEW MOON). "Snackluck" - bring healthy vegetarian finger foods or easy snacks. For more information, contact Lynn LeRose

All Sunday events canceled because of rain.
Tuesday, Oct. 18: (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE) 7:00 – 8:30 pm: THE BOOK OF KOHELET (ECCLESIASTES) “To Everything There is A Season.” Join in study of this sacred text
Thursday, Oct. 20: 6:30 – 8:00 pm: KESHER KESHET (RAINBOW CONNECTION) of Chadeish Yameinu, with TWICE BLESSED of Temple Beth ElLGBTQI Jews AND Friends and Alliespotluck (vegetarian) at TBE Sukkah, 3055 Porter Gulch Road in Aptos
Friday, Oct. 21: 4:00 - 5:30pm: "FIRST FRIDAY" FAMILY SHABBAT for children of all ages and their families - including art projects and Playful Hebrew focusing on Sukkot
Friday, Oct. 21: 7:30 – 8:45 pm: SHABBAT OF SUKKOT & SACRED CHANT followed by oneg (refreshments). All invited to bring something to share.
Sunday, Oct. 23: 10:30 – 11:45 am: HOSHANA RABBAH / BEATING OF THE WILLOWS Ancient custom of 7 circlings, followed by beating of willow branches
Monday, Oct. 24: 10:00 am – 12:15 pm: SHMINI ATSERET / 8TH DAY OF ASSEMBLY (incl. Yizkor/Memorial service for departed loved ones & prayers for rain)
Monday, 7:00 – 8:30pm: SIMCHAT TORAH Dance in celebration with the Torah
Thursday, Oct. 27, 10:0am - ?: TAKING DOWN THE SUKKAH
To help w/ deconstruction, contact Marty at: martyfixit@earthlink.net, or 831-588-4314

Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal Presents
Erica Lann Clark with Asaf Ophir
SATURDAY, December 17th, 7:30 pm
846 Front Street, Santa Cruz (next door to Main Post Office)
For info and to reserve seats, call 831-295-8467
or email rebeli@sbcglobal.net
Suggested Donation – $15 - $20 per seat
A Great time awaits you! Come attend "SING ME HOME, Jewish stories with music.” Bay Area musician Asaf Ophir and I met at the Bay Area Storytelling Festival, where we spoke about how words and music affect people so differently. Out of that conversation grew our duet performance, and our adventure to marry these two worlds together. We spin our tales in the tradition of the most ancient storytellers --- at that invisible, magical crossroad where the hearts of the listeners meet the heart of the story.
We want to give people from every culture and every background an experience of hearing a “concert” of amazing Jewish stories. Why? Well… because we’re Jewish!
A few reviews
“She’ll make you laugh, she’ll make you think. She’ll make you laugh about thinking!”
– Martin Sheen, actor
“I found a piece of myself I had long forgotten and feel renewed.”
-- Roberta Bristol, Dance Dept., Cabrillo College
“How often do people come out of a theater happier than when they went in? ‘Sing Me Home’ gives the audience that gift!”
-- Charlie Varon, The Marsh Theater, SF
“Erica has done many programs for our congregation. An amazing storyteller, her stories help us understand what it means to be a Jew. Her family arrived in the US, escaping the Holocaust when she was only four years old. This informs her work, and all of us who know that we are at a time when this voice is fading from our world, know how precious it is to hear from a woman who can bring this piece of our history to us in a way that we can all understand.”
—Rabbi Marcus, Temple Beth El, Aptos, Ca.