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All are invited for the THE BIG BLAST!!

Bring your Shofar if you have one, and join us for the Final TEKIAH GEDOLAH at the end of Yom Kippur.

Wednesday, October 12th, 7:15 pm.

At Masonic Temple, 828 N. Branciforte Ave. in Santa Cruz

The CY Sukkah this year will be in a secret garden...

Help Us Build It!

We need hands-on help to build the sukkah on Thursday October 13, and possibly the following day or the following Sunday as well.

If you can help, contact Marty at: 831-588-4314

*** If you are unable to help directly, ***

consider helping with this mitzvah by donating to our Sukkah Fund (checks made out to: Chadeish Yameinu, PO Box 3578, Santa Cruz, CA 95063, notated for the Sukkah Fund.)

Rabbi Eli Cohen & Akiva Akindele Bankole will discuss the relationship between the Jewish concept of Teshuvah and the Soul's Return to Its Spiritual Home in traditional Yoruba tribal theology.

Wednesday, October 12th, 4:00 pm

Adult Education Discussion is followed by

- Yizkor (Memorial) Service at 4:45 pm

- Reading of Jonah at 5:30 pm

- Neilah (Closing of the Gates) at 6:30 pm

- Havdalah & Break-Fast at 7:15 pm

All Yom Kippur services and activities will be held at the

Masonic Temple, 828 N. Brancifore Ave. in Santa Cruz

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