Being an Ally on Issues of Race and Racism

Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal – Adult Education
With Rabbi Lori Klein
Monday, November 21 and Monday, December 12 7:00 – 8:30 pm
At the Aptos Fire Station, Soquel Drive in Aptos (just south of The Farm Restaurant) In these two 90 minute sessions, we will look at: racial privilege and lack of privilege; overt and implicit bias; Jewish texts that support our efforts to be allies; barriers to becoming and being allies. We will also pool and discuss concrete actions we can take in our county and in our lives to become better allies on issues of race. Suggested donation: $10/ session ($18 for both) for members of Chadeish Yameinu. $15/ session ($25 for both) for general public. RSVPs would be helpful. Contact Rabbi Eli at:

Rabbi Lori Klein is a long-time independent student of race and racism, and has served as an ally and activist for individuals and groups combating racism and creating fairer systems of criminal justice, immigration, employment, and public benefits.