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Sh'mirah - Another Mitzvah Opportunity


Like some of you, I know what it's like to do sh'mira and now I know what it's like to have it done for my own loved ones. I encourage you to go to this and have the opportunity to do a great mitzvah. Having just gone through the deaths and burials of both my parents, I can attest to how deeply, deeply comforting it is to know that sh'mira is happening for your loved one. In the case of my mother, there weren't very many people available, but those who were available showed up with generosity and kindness. It gave me a profound sense of being held by my community. It inspired me to go to the meeting at Etiel's and be on the volunteer list. If you've never done it, I can also attest to how special it is. It feels very sacred to me, and when I have done it for people I cared about, it gave me an opportunity to love them and their families. Yet it is also very ordinary in that it doesn't take specialized skills and it is an act of being a kind "neighbor" to the family of the person who has passed. I hope I'll see some of you at Etiel's. In peace and blessings, Shira

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